kaya publishes books of the asian pacific diaspora


Black Lives Matter. Some truths are so self-evident that having to say them at all seems both inadequate and an indictment. Black lives—Black artists, thinkers, musicians, activists, struggles, and history—pried open the sense of possibility that gave birth to Kaya Press. Without the ideas, example, and radical acts of imagination gifted to us by Black […]


Love Each Other, Banish Fear   Dear Friends, We hope you and your loved ones are supported, and are able to cultivate laughter and a sense of ease during this challenging and precarious season. In order to reduce the chances of transmission of COVID-19, Kaya Press’ small team of staff and interns began working from […]


What does it take to make a book? Inspiration, yes, hard work, yes, and of course a lot of elbow grease. But the key element is people. People to write, people to read, and people to make those books possible. Reading might be a solitary pursuit, but what it takes to put that book out […]


As Kaya Press wraps up a landmark 25th year of existence, we have been given an amazing opportunity to raise $25,000. Please help us do so by December 31st, 2019! You might already know about Facebook’s 1:1 match on Giving Tuesday — for every dollar we raise through Facebook on December 3rd starting at 8 […]


FIRECRACKER AWARDS are awarded to the best self and independently published books of fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry and the best literary magazines in the categories of debut and general excellence. The winners were announced at CLMP annual awards ceremony, held this year on June 5 at Poets House in New York City. What the judges say about City of the […]