kaya publishes books of the asian pacific diaspora


Every Spring, Kaya Press Managing Editor Neelanjana Banerjee teaches an exciting UCLA course in the UCLA Asian American Studies Department: Asian American Publishing with Kaya Press. Throughout the quarter, students learned the intricacies of the publishing industry and how an independent, Asian-diasporic press like Kaya navigates the industry. As their final, students produced and edited their […]


Last Sunday, the Baltimore Sun’s Jonathan Van Harmelen published a review of Gene Oishi’s In Search of Hiroshi, emphasizing the book’s continued cultural relevance. The Baltimore Sun has a unique relationship with Oishi. The In Search of Hiroshi author was a reporter at the publication for 14 years where he covered city and state political […]


As part of Kaya’s commitment to the Palestinian Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), the staff and board would like to amplify conversations around literature, colonization, and the possibilities of solidarity. In this post, we link to resources that have helped orient our thinking and actions, and we plan to share more on how […]


We are thrilled to announce that as part of our 30th anniversary celebrations, Alan Nakagawa will be the first-ever Kaya Press Artist-in-Residence. In our 30th year, we are thinking about new, future-oriented, multidisciplinary perspectives on the role of literature, publishing, and its archiving. During his residency, Nakagawa will conduct oral history sessions with Kaya Press […]


Kaya Press has been in existence for 29 years–a major feat for an independent, Asian diasporic publishing company! In thinking back on our own lives, turning 29 felt like a turning point: one of us graduated from an MFA program and moved in with a partner, while another quit a job at a gallery and […]