kaya publishes books of the asian pacific diaspora

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Join Ed Lin for the Tongue and Groove Asian American Lit Celebration


(LOS ANGELES, Ca.)—(May 2, 2012)— In celebration of National Asian American/Pacific Islanders Heritage month, Conrad Romo’s Tongue and Groove Series would like to announce a series of events throughout Los Angeles featuring Asian American writers from both the East and West Coasts to include: Chiwan Choi, Ed Lin, Frannie Choi, Traci Kato Kiriyama, Suzanne Whang, Kevin Kataoka, Vinh Paul Ha and Meiko among others. Festivities kick off Sunday May 20, 2012 at Hotel Cafe 1623 1/2 Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood 90028 and culminate on Saturday, May 26, 2012 at Jubiliee Fest . For list of dates, venues and artists in attendance see list below.


Chiwan Choi is a writer, editor, teacher, and publisher Abductions is his second book of poetry.

Ed Lin is the author of Waylaid,This Is a Bust and Snakes Can’t Run. Lin, who is of Taiwanese and Chinese descent, is the first author to win three Asian American Literary Awards. The native New Yorker’s latest book is One Red Bastard, by Minotaur.

Traci Akemi Kato-Kiriyama is the creator/ producer of Tuesday Night Café in Japan Town. She is a writer, performing artist, educator and  grassroots organizer.

Suzanne Whang is an actor, television host, stand-up comedian, author, keynote speaker, radio host, writer, Universal Life minister, and political activist. Suzanne has made many television appearances.

Franny Choi was a finalist at two of the three most prestigious poetry slams in the country: the National Poetry Slam and the Women of the World Poetry Slam. She was awarded Best Female Poet and Most Innovative at the 2011 Wade-Lewis Poetry Slam Invitational, and her team was specially recognized for Pushing the Art Forward at the 2011 College Union Poetry Slam Invitational. She was also the top-ranking female poet at the 2011 Southern Fried Poetry Slam and the champion of 2010 Seoul Poetry Slam


Kevin Kataoka is a comic you may have seen on Comedy Central’s “Premium Blend, “The Wanda Sykes Show” on Fox, “Cheap Seats” on ESPN Classic and the prestigious Just For Laughs Comedy Festival in Montreal

Scheduled Events:

Sun 5/20 Tongue and Groove at the Hotel Café 1623 1/2 Cahuenga Bl. Hollywood 90028
Chiwan Choi  Abductions,  Ed Lin  One Red Bastard,  Traci Kato Kiriyama, Suzanne Whang and musical guest Meiko

Thurs5/24  8pm
in Chinatown at Grand Star Jazz Club 943 Sun Mun Way Los Angeles, CA 90012
Traci Kato Kiriyama, Chiwan Choi, Ed Lin, Kevin Kataoka and others plus music and a food truck

Fri 5/25 8pm Giant Robot #2
2015 Sawtelle Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90025
Frannie Choi, Chiwan Choi, Ed Lin, Traci Kato Kiriyama and others

Sat 5/26 2-2:45
Jubilee Fest http://silverlakejubilee.com
Tongue & Groove
Ed Lin, Chiwan Choi, Frannie Choi +

Tongue and Groove L.A. operates once a month for the past 8 years on the idea that inspiration and entertainment shouldn’t be confined to one medium. It is simply one of the very best literary events in the country. Upcoming events include Eat Write, a literary collaboration with various pop-up chefs, an event with Red Hen Press and an event honoring Charles Bukowski June 30 at the Grand Performance Stage in downtown LA.  www.tongueandgroovela.com

Support for these events also comes from the collaboration with:

THE LAST BOOKSTORE www.lastbookstorela.com

Giant Robot  www.gr2.net

Kaya Press www.kaya.com

The Asian American Literary Review www.aalrmag.org

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